Thursday, 15 November 2012

You put a new windae in, you take a new windae out.. : /

You put a new windae in, you take a new windae oot, 
you put a new windae in... an' you shake it all aboot!

And 'through the square window'...

Through the windae. The only way in  : /

Lubly jubbly tho   : ) 

Monday, 12 November 2012

Wahey!! A kitchen!

And a smiling Richard! 

Something definitely missing...
can you guess what?

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Seem to have lost a month or 2 somewhere! Bit of a catch up...

Wahey a kitchen being formed!

Oooh finally!

Lalgi gie-in it laldi..

doing the lime render in the front lightwell

1st lot of glass (of three attempts!)
for the wee shower room


Timber floor.

Smoked and oiled.  DONE  ; )

Decorex doggie

Had to share.

Made me giggle

Sunny day for man and beast.

Outside Decorex 2012,  at the Royal Hospital Chelsea.